7 Braces Myths You Need to Know

If you’ve been considering braces to straighten your or your child’s smile, you’ve likely had questions about how the treatment process works. We hear from patients daily that have concerns or fears about beginning treatment. However, our team at Johnson Family Orthodontics is here to help you every step of the way! 

Busting common myths surrounding braces and orthodontic treatment is a big part of helping you understand treatment options. Let’s explore some things people often get wrong about braces and what you can expect from our team! 

Braces will hurt.

This is the number one concern we hear from patients. Dr. Cole Johnson and our team at Johnson Family Orthodontics are here to make sure you know that there is no need to be anxious and that wearing braces will not cause any long-term discomfort or pain. 

Braces take a long time to work.

Every smile is unique, and every treatment time will vary from case to case. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment plan, so the time you spend in braces will vary based on many factors, such as the complexity of your case, how compliant you are with our recommendations, and the improvements you’re hoping to achieve. 

Braces are only useful for straightening teeth.

Not only do braces straighten crooked teeth, but they’re also capable of much more! Often, misaligned teeth and jaws lead to difficulties eating, speaking and caring for your teeth and gums. Braces can address and correct many of these problems, resulting in a new smile and improving your overall oral health, speech, and even digestion! 

Braces are only for tweens and teens.

Many people will associate orthodontics with teens in a full set of metal braces. However, patients of all ages can benefit from treatment. Dr. Johnson is here to help you achieve the smile you want, no matter your life stage! 

Braces will severely limit what you can eat.

While it’s true that there may be some food restrictions during treatment, there are still plenty of delicious foods you can enjoy! You’ll need to avoid sticky and crunchy foods such as popcorn, nutty candy and chewing gum. However, this is only temporary while you’re in treatment. 

Braces will keep your teeth straight forever.

This myth is more so wishful thinking! While braces are the key to beginning a straight smile journey, it’s also essential to focus on post-treatment care. This includes wearing your retainer as directed by Dr. Johnson to ensure your new smile heals fully and your teeth settle into their new position permanently. Retainers also help give long-lasting results that you’ll enjoy for years. 

Braces are the only option for improving your smile.

Over the years, orthodontic techniques have improved quite a bit. While traditional braces are the most well-known treatment for correcting your bite, they’re not the only way! You can also achieve a new confident smile by wearing clear braces, clear aligners or even lingual braces. The options are endless, and our team at Johnson Family Orthodontics will work with you to determine the treatment plan for your unique smile.

7 Braces Myths You Need to Know

Start your new smile journey with braces at Johnson Family Orthodontics.

Moving forward with braces is a big decision for you and your family. We value the trust you have in our Salem, OR, team. Whether you’re contemplating braces or already have an appointment, our team is here to help you as you begin this journey! Get in touch today to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Johnson and discuss your concerns with us!